Sex and Respect -The Desire of the African Man

Photo: Alex Robinson -Unsplash


It may sound crazy, but there are some notable trends in the desires and expectations of most African women and men in relationships. From the perspective of many African women, a stable financial situation is a top priority. They often aspire to be the "madam of the house" - to have authority and control over the household. Their needs and wants in a relationship can seem endless, including providing an abundance of material goods like wigs; they don’t wear, shoes; they don’t wear and dresses that may not been worn regularly. She could even credit items, she will never wear.

Sex -The African Man's Prerogative

On the flip side, many African men tend to have a more streamlined set of criteria. Topping the list is finding a woman who can satisfy their sexual needs. Weird as it may sound, sex is of paramount importance to the African man in a relationship. This aligns with the traditional African practice of polygamy, where a man may have multiple wives. Satisfying his sexual needs is a non-negotiable for the African man when considering a potential partner.

Cooking and Housekeeping
In addition to sexual satisfaction, the African man highly values a woman's ability to cook well and maintain the household. He expects his partner to excel in these domestic duties, regardless of her professional or social status. The woman's skills in the kitchen and her aptitude for housekeeping carry significant weight in the African man's eyes.

Respect -The Ultimate Requirement

Above all, the African man demands unwavering respect from his partner. This respect is not just a nice-to-have, but a fundamental requirement that stands tall in his list of priorities. The African man expects his woman to honour and revere him, regardless of her own personal accomplishments or standing in society.

The African Woman's Perspective
In contrast, the African woman often has a more multifaceted set of expectations when it comes to relationships. Financial stability is a top priority, as she seeks the security and comfort that comes with a partner who can provide for the household. Additionally, the African woman aspires to be the "madam of the house" - to hold a position of authority and control over the domestic sphere. Her list of requirements can seem endless, as she seeks to balance her desires for both material and emotional fulfilment.

Career-oriented and Successful
This embedded customs and traditions can put career-oriented and successful African women at a significant disadvantage. These women are rejecting traditional relationship expectations. They seek equal respect from partners, not blind obedience, and prefer partnerships that support their dreams and ambitions. They view old gender roles as limiting and want their achievements recognized.

Many have wondered why men leave their beautiful and successful wives for housemaids. The reason is simple: these men are primarily interested in three things: sex, taking good care of, and respect.

This stark contrast in priorities highlights the complex dynamics that exist in African relationships. The wishes, desires, and expectations of African men and women are often at odds, with the former focused on sex, cooking, and respect, while the latter seeks financial stability and domestic authority. When the desire of both partners are met, it leads to peace and harmony in the relationship.

Desmond John Beddy