Igbozurume Germany! Press Release


This is to notify the general public that Igbozurume Germany Association e.v is an affiliate to Igbozurume Association Nigeria. Igbozurume Association is a cultural, socio-political organisation with a vision:
‘To see an Igbo Nation every Nigerian can be proud of"

’If I may take relief from a particular except enshrined in the constitution of Igbozurume, "Since the aftermath of the civil war, Igbo’s have experienced a steady decline in our social, political and cultural life. The poor image of Igbo’s cannot be overemphasized.

The consequent loss of dignity has also fueled a moral decadence that has manifested in all forms of anti social vices" which has given birth to the deterioration of the moral fiber of the society, the breakdown of social cohesion, the de-spiritualization of the people, the incidence of dysfunctional families and the growth of conflict potential.

The rapidly increasing discrepancies in economic capacity between the rich and the poor, large scale unemployment, mass poverty, disturbing rate of crime, high rate of school drop outs, alarming rate of labor turn over etc. has also been alarming.

Our leaders have not helped matters either as they are constantly at war with each other. The in fighting has led to an overall disloyalty to leadership. Disunity is now the other of the day. For the above reasons the future looks endangered, as confusion and feeling of helplessness seems to have engulfed our people.

We have therefore come to a crucial point in our history as a people, that we must act quickly under the present situation to salvage the situation, which

among others is why Igbozurume Association was established…to enhance but, not limited to providing additional support to other cultural associations in order to restore the lost dignity of the Igbo’s.

This is in line with the Motto of Igbozurume: ‘To restore the dignity of Ndi’Igbo through the emphasis of a Unity of purpose via the reestablishment of our core values, moral regeneration, mutual support and goodwill.’

One of the core values of Igbozurume is to ensure a healthy relationship among Igbo’s, between Igbo’s and other ethnic groups wherever they are found. It is our understanding that the promotion of cooperation, understanding, unity, justice, equality, peace and progress among Igbo’s and those of other ethnic origins, race, religion, political beliefs, sectarian inclination, social classes, standing against injustice and humiliation of the human family is not negotiable.

Primarily, it is the aim of Igbozurume Association to integrate Igbo’s in the Diaspora into mainstream of Nigerian Political and economic life

Igbozurume Nigeria gave Igbozurume Germany Association e.v an assignment/mandate to arrange and organize an International Conference/Seminar on the theme;

Re-Positioning the Igbo Race for a better tomorrow.

This assignment is also in line with the modus operandi of Igbozurume Association as to enable the fulfillment of our potentials in enhancing the building of a great Igbo Nation in this complex socio/political, multi cultural polity called Nigeria, our country, for the benefit of all.

The Conference would hold on the 18 of August 2013 in Hamburg.

We regret any act of Misconduct from any Member cum’ the Misconception/Misunderstanding with particular reference to this forthcoming Conference.

Igbozurume Germany e.v is not in any way in rivalry with NIG Germany, there is no Competition or disrespect on NIG Germany.

I believe we Igbo’s in Germany are in Harmony and we have the potentials to resolve issues through an internal dialogue if need be.

Today, the wind of change is blowing across Nigeria and the people shiver with new hope. Unfortunately, the nation is confronted with a series of intractable problems which may not only imperil its prosperity but may also threaten its long-term survival….if we do not face the facts and do the right things right. We are a ready-made nation; it is high time we become tailor-made.

We have banned second hand clothing and Tokunbos, let us do the same with our ideas.

Necessity they say is the mother of invention. The way forward, let us Think IGBO, State the IGBO Vision, Have an IGBO Spirit and Have Faith in our strength, Highlight our statement of mission, Link the structure, system, strategy, style, skill and resources to the statement of mission, Move towards a one nation society / Redress all iniquities. Recreate hope, collapse boundaries, barriers and frontiers, Rebuild the family, strengthen the community, Renew society, Empower the citizen, ensure a skills and knowledge based nation and Create environment of linkages.

Thank you for your cooperation, enthusiasm, individual and collective efforts and great Contribution of ideas to strengthen the Igbo Heritage in Diaspora.

Yours in the Service:

Sir. JB Onyeke (National Chairman -Germany)

High Chief Dr. Victor Njinmah (National Chairman Advisory Board -Germany)

Kennedy Chidi Adams  (PRO/Media Consultant -Northern Germany section)