Malawi Ambassador, attend “Tag Der Immobilienwirschaft 2013" in Berlin”


It was very spectacular being at the “Tag Der Immobilienwirschaft 2013”, organized by ZIA, on Wednesday the 5th of June, in Berlin Tempelhof. I can’t wait to be invited next year. One needs to witness this extraordinary display of uniqueness.

The conference attracted over 1,200 executives from the real estate industry, politics, media, entrepreneurs, diplomats and academicians. The motto of the conference was "New Tasks and Duties” “Neue Aufgaben und Abgaben”.
The Federal Minister of Building -/Construction of Germany, “Bundebauminister” Dr. Peter Ramsauer was the special guest of honor.

It is our desire to establish affordable buildings and energy efficient housing units throughout the country. This we believe could be achieved through perfect cooperation between politicians and entrepreneurs working hand in hand.

The president of the ZIA, Andreas Mattner in his welcome address, insists politicians’ remains strategic and critical partners of the real estate industry.

At the forum was the Malawian ambassador to Germany, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Isaac C. Lamba, accompanied by Mrs. Sylvaina Gerlich of Hamburg Integration Council. According to him, he was there practically to woe Investors to Malawi.

He emphatically said his country needs more investors in the areas of real estate development, road network, and he equally challenged the Europeans to have a rethink over their investment policies on Africa.

He also intensively discussed with Prof. Dr. Kay Poggensee from Institute of International Business Management (Kiel), as to how best to establish a partnership with the University of Malawi. He also had some pep talks with Mr. Oliver Herrmann (DTZ), seen by many as a global player in the real estate industry.
The Ger­man Pro­perty Fede­ra­tion or ZIA, is a regu­latory and eco­no­mic lobby group for policy in the pro­perty sec­tor, and remains one of the most influential institutions in Germany. At Euro­pean level the ZIA is rep­re­sen­ted in Brus­sels and is estab­lis­hed there as the Ger­man Pro­perty Fede­ra­tion. 

Other speakers at the occasion were, the finance minister Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble and Peer Steinbrück, Kanzler candidate of the SPD.

Desmond John Beddy