Labeling Followers as Leaders is a Recipe for Disaster

Image by Ted Erski from Pixabay


Until we stop labelling followers as leaders and placing them in important positions, our woes will know no end. In an ideal world, nations are led by visionary individuals who possess the necessary skills, integrity, and dedication to serve the greater good. However, far too often, we witness the replacement of true leaders with managers and businessmen whose primary focus is personal gain rather than the well-being of the citizens they are entrusted to govern.

The consequences of this troubling trend are nothing short of disastrous. Until we stop labelling followers as leaders and placing them in important positions, our woes will know no end. In an ideal world, nations are led by visionary individuals who possess the necessary skills, integrity, and dedication to serve the greater good. However, far too often, we witness the replacement of true leaders with managers and businessmen whose primary focus is personal gain rather than the well-being of the citizens they are entrusted to govern. The consequences of this troubling trend are nothing short of disastrous.

Managers and businessmen, by the nature of their training and experience, are not equipped to navigate the complex challenges of governing a country. Their expertise lies in maximizing profits and, not in crafting long-term and strategic policies that address the needs of the people. When these individuals are placed in positions of power, they struggle to connect with the aspirations and struggles of the common citizen, instead prioritizing policies that serve their interests and that of their sponsors. 

Labeling Followers as Leaders -A Recipe for Disaster
To make matters worst, is the practice of labeling followers as leaders, a misguided attempt to create the illusion of strong leadership. These so-called "leaders" are often individuals who have gained the support of a vocal minority but lack the vision, decision-making skills, and ability to inspire and unite the masses. When these followers are elevated to positions of authority, the results are catastrophic.They lack the necessary political acumen, the courage to make difficult choices, and the commitment to the greater good, instead enacting policies that benefit their loyal base at the expense of the nation.

As these managers, businessmen, and labeled followers ascend to positions of power, the impact on the citizens they are meant to serve is nothing short of devastating. Infrastructure crumbles, social services deteriorate, and economic prosperity stagnates, all while these individuals pursue their agendas.The people who had placed their trust in these supposed leaders become disillusioned and disenfranchised, leading to a breakdown in social cohesion.

To break this vicious cycle, it is crucial that we, as a society, reject the practice of appointing individuals based on family connections, personal friendships, or political allegiances. Instead, we must demand a true meritocracy, where leaders are selected based on their proven track record of excellence, vision, and unwavering commitment to serving the people.

These leaders must possess the necessary skills to navigate the complex challenges of governance, the emotional intelligence to connect with the diverse needs of the citizenry, and the courage to make tough decisions that may not always be popular but are ultimately in the best interests of the nation. They must be individuals who have earned the trust and respect of the people through their actions, not through empty promises or political maneuvering.

By embracing the principles of meritocracy and rejecting the temptation to replace true leaders with managers, businessmen, and labeled followers, we can reclaim the promise of effective, visionary leadership. This, in turn, will pave the way for a future where prosperity, progress, and the well-being of all citizens are the top priorities, rather than the personal gains of a select few.

It is time for us, as engaged citizens, to demand the highest standards of leadership and to hold our elected officials accountable. Only then can we ensure that our nations are governed by individuals who are truly dedicated to serving the greater good, rather than their narrow interests.

Desmond John Beddy