Migrant Self-Organizations forge closer ties with BAMF-Hamburg



In a significant development migrant self-organizations (MSOs) in Hamburg met with the leadership of BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge), the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. This meeting marked a crucial step towards establishing a better working relationship between MSOs and German state institutions. It is a testament to the evolving approach of state institutions in Germany, which are increasingly recognizing the importance of listening to and accepting inputs from migrant organizations.

Years ago, those who directly felt the impact of migration policies were rarely consulted before decisions were made on their behalf. However, times are changing, and the meeting between MSOs and BAMF-Hamburg signals a shift towards more inclusive and collaborative policymaking.

One of the primary topics discussed during the meeting was the role of BAMF-Hamburg itself. MSOs sought to understand the functions of this federal office in Hamburg and how it directly affects the migrant community. Clarity on this matter is essential for building a constructive relationship between the two parties.

Another key point of discussion was funding opportunities for migrant self-organizations. Financing is a pressing concern for many of these organizations, which often do commendable work but struggle to secure the necessary resources. The meeting aimed to shed light on available funding options and explore ways to support the financial sustainability of MSOs.

The essence of the gathering was not just to exchange ideas but to emphasize the shared goal of shaping integration in Hamburg. The staff members of BAMF-Hamburg stressed that the meeting was intended to foster networking and the exchange of views, ultimately strengthening the collaborative spirit between the government and MSOs.

Participants also discussed the prospect of holding additional sessions to delve into the complexities of concept modalities and application procedures. These discussions will help MSOs navigate bureaucratic processes more effectively.

The Challenge of Financing:
The financial aspect emerged as a significant concern, as many MSOs grapple with the challenge of funding their activities. The meeting acknowledged this issue and aimed to explore strategies and resources to help these organizations continue their vital work. Interestingly those who do less have more funding, and those who do more have no funding…

As the meeting concluded, the atmosphere was one of optimism and collaboration. MSOs expressed their eagerness to forge an excellent working relationship with BAMF-Hamburg, recognizing the importance of such partnerships in advancing the interests of the migrant community.

The meeting between migrant self-organizations and BAMF-Hamburg represents a positive step towards a more inclusive, collaborative, and informed approach to policymaking and integration in Hamburg. It underscores the growing recognition of the vital role played by MSOs in shaping the future of migrants in the region.

The event took place on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, from 18:00 to 21:00 hours at Heidenkampsweg 97, 20097 Hamburg, the location of the BAMF-Hamburg office. Among the attendees were individuals dedicated to the cause, including Philipp-Christian Scheel, Charlotte Nendza-Ammar, Bahaa Alsayek, Hayford Anyidoho, Sylvaina Gerlich, Asmara H., Bernarda Doku, Alima Quedraogo and many others.

Desmond John Beddy & Hayford Anyidoho
