Are You For or Against Polygamy...

Foto von Jill Wellington


Polygamy, the practice of having multiple wifes, has been a topic of debate for centuries. When examining arguments for and against polygamy, it is important to consider various factors, including religious, economic, social, and cultural views. One argument in favour of polygamy is based on religious beliefs, which suggests that it is a sanctioned practice by certain faiths. On the other hand, opponents argue that polygamy perpetuates inequality and harms societal harmony. Additionally, economic, social, and cultural factors also contribute to the discussion.

From a religious perspective, those in favour argue that polygamy is supported by certain religious texts and traditions. In cultures where polygamy is accepted, advocates believe that it is a way to fulfill religious obligations and maintain their faith. Supporters of polygamy argue that religious freedom should be respected, allowing individuals to practice their faith without interference. However, opponents argue that religions evolve over time, and practices that were accepted in the past may no longer align with contemporary values or principles of gender equality.

Economic views
Another argument in favour of polygamy stems from economic views. Proponents argue that by allowing multiple wives, polygamy can provide financial stability for women. In societies where men greatly outnumber women, polygamy can act as a solution to the problem of unmarried women, offering them an opportunity to marry and gain financial security.
Advocates claim that the economic benefits of polygamy, such as shared resources and division of household responsibilities, can lead to improved living conditions for all parties involved. However, opponents of polygamy argue that economic stability should not come at the expense of gender equality, as it can perpetuate harmful gender roles and power imbalances.

From a social standpoint, proponents argue that polygamy can provide emotional support, companionship, and care to individuals who may otherwise feel isolated or lonely. In societies where social connections and community support are valued, polygamy can offer a solution to address these needs. Supporters argue that multiple partners can create stronger support networks, leading to improved mental and emotional well-being. Opponents argue that polygamy can cause jealousy, competition, and emotional harm within relationships, particularly if there is inequality in the distribution of resources and affection among partners.

Cultural views:
Cultural views also play a role in the discussions around polygamy. In some cultures, polygamy has been a longstanding tradition and is considered a part of their cultural identity. Proponents argue that cultural practices should be respected and preserved, as they play a crucial role in maintaining a diverse and inclusive society. However, opponents contend that cultural practices should not be exempt from critical evaluation, particularly if they infringe upon basic human rights or promote inequality.

Every woman has a man:
While it is true that there may be more women than men, viewing polygamy as a solution for women to find marriage may oversimplify the issue. Engaging in polygamous relationships without addressing the underlying social, economic, and cultural factors contributing to gender inequality can have long-lasting negative consequences. It is important to consider alternative solutions, such as promoting gender equality, education, and empowering women to make informed choices about their relationships and futures.

Polygamy presents a complex topic that elicits diverse views. While proponents argue for increased freedom of religion, economic stability, emotional support, and cultural preservation, opponents express concerns about inequality, harm to social harmony, and the potential violation of human rights.

Are you for or against polygamy?

Desmond John Beddy
