Young Sierra Leone Man Mysteriously Dies in Hamburg Jail


A young Sierra Leone Man mysteriously dies while being detained in a Hamburg jail. On the 31st of January, 2016, Barry B who was 25 years old, was being detained by the Hamburg police on accusations involving 3 cases of injuries to some individuals.

A couple of days later while still in Police custody, He was found dead. Evidence of foul play or suicide are not available according to the initial findings by the Physician.

But there was also news that he had an epileptic seizure while in police custody. Still has not yet been confirmed.

Barry B was known as a very nice and helpful individual who helped other people. He was one of the helpers at the Zongo cafe which helped alot of African immigrants in Hamburg, Germany.

He will be dearly missed. Our sincere condolences go out to all his friends and family. May his soul rest in peace