Those affected could stay until June 30, 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted the mobility of holders of the Schengen Visa, which allows tourists and business travelers to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days. However, the numerous national
lockdowns and flight cancelations will inevitably cause many to remain in the Schengen area after their visas had expired.
To prevent that, the German Ministry of Interior has extended the residence permit of all Schengen visa holders who entered the country on March 17, 2020, or later. The temporary protection also implies that those affected may have a possible means to work until June 30 ("Verordnung zur vorübergehenden Befreiung von Inhabern ablaufender Schengen-Visa vom Erfordernis eines Aufenthaltstitels auf Grund der COVID-19-Pandemie"). However, we do advise holders of the Schengen Visa to contact the Ministy of Interior for further information.This prevents them from falling into illegal status and allows them to access vital services that are inaccessible to those without legal status.
The extension is from April 16 to June 30, 2020.
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