Today marks an unlucky day in Western Europe - Friday 13th

Today is superstitiously believed to be the unluckiest day of the year in North America , Australia  and Western Europe .This happens when the 13th day of the month in the Gregorian calender falls on a friday .However ,Friday 13th is just one of the three fridays that occurs in the year ,which will include April 13 and  July 13 .This year has January 13th and October 13th.
This unlucky day always occurs at least once a year but there is also a possibilty to appear up to three or two times in any year .
Mostly people do not really take it too seriously because there is little or no fear that comes with this day due to the history surrounding the number 13.The phobia ,Triskaidekaphobia is of concern to a few who try as much as possible to avoid using the nuber 13 in their daily life .
But the question is where does the superstition surrounding this day , known as Paraskevidekatriaphobia,originate from?
Among other historical events that evolved these superstitions which has labelled the number 13 as unlucky is first , because Jesus was crucified on a Friday according to Christian Scripture and tradition and secondly that it came from Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales " ,published in the 14th century,where Friday is considered q a day of misfortune and ill luck .Notwithstanding the most popular myths attempting to explain the origin of the Friday 13 superstition stems from events on Friday 13 ,October 1307 , when hundred of Knights Templar were arrested and burnt across France .
On such a day as today ,most people will prefer to stay at home and avoid any bad omen because of the fear of having  unlucky event befall them .These popular myths believed to likely happen on Friday 13th include the following ;
.If you cut your hair on  Friday the 13th , someone in your family will die 
. If you break a mirror on Friday the 13th, you will have seven years of bad luck .
.If  a black cat crosses you on Fruday the 13th ,you will have bad luck 
.Ships that sail on friday will have some kind of bad omen coming its way 
.If anyone embarked on Friday the 13th , one will encounter misfortune 
.If a funeral procession passes you on Friday the 13th , you will be the next to die 
However , the above listed myths can only happen ONLY  if you believe ,hence superstition .So on the contrary to what history and supertition tells, do have a lucky day