Let’s Talk About Health: Aidshilfe Hamburg hosts an inspiring Event


Aidshilfe Hamburg recently held an impactful event titled "Let's Talk About Health" at Afrotopia Hamburg. The event provided a platform for individuals living with HIV/AIDS to share their personal stories, shedding light on how the virus has shaped their lives and the ways they navigate the world.

Naadia, the host of Culture in Diversity on Radio TopAfric, engaged in a thought-provoking discussion with Mr. Collins, an HIV-positive advocate and event panelist. Courageously, Mr. Collins began his story by revealing his HIV status. He recounted learning of his diagnosis in 2005, shortly after arriving in Germany, following a brief illness. While he is still uncertain how he contracted the virus, Mr. Collins emphasized that his life before the diagnosis was typical and unaffected by health concerns.

After his diagnosis, he became more mindful of how he interacted with others, creating personal boundaries to protect those around him. “An HIV-positive person cannot be recognized by appearance,” he shared, underscoring the importance of personal responsibility in managing one’s health and preventing transmission.

Today, Mr. Collins leads a fulfilling life as a married man. His wife is fully aware of his condition, and he highlighted the critical role of antiretroviral therapy. With consistent medication, the virus can become undetectable and untransmittable, drastically reducing the likelihood of transmission. He stressed the importance of family and community support, noting that understanding and acceptance are vital to the emotional well-being of HIV-positive individuals. He explained that excluding individuals such as refusing to eat or share common spaces with them can cause significant emotional harm.

Mr. Collins shared his proactive approach to living with the virus, advocating for awareness and education about HIV/AIDS among those close to him. His advice to the public was clear: prioritize testing before intimacy, practice safe sex, and cultivate openness about the topic, especially within the African diaspora. He emphasized the importance of solidarity within communities, encouraging support, openness, and mutual respect. His message to society was a heartfelt plea: "No discrimination. Don’t isolate HIV-positive people from the community." By fostering understanding and empathy, he believes society can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those living with HIV/AIDS.

More than 100 people from various communities took part in the event. Afterwards, the Seam of Solidarity was celebrated with those present. The event was organised in cooperation with Deutsche Aidshilfe and the health ambassadors of Aidshilfe Hamburg. The Managing Director of Aidshilfe Hamburg, Omer Idrissa Ouedraogo, would like to thank everyone for their support and cooperation in organising this great event, which was held for the first time in the African community as part of World AIDS Day 2024.

Naadiatu-Bagigah Bawah
RadioTopAfric Hamburg