Hamburg to Host 3rd AYE AWARDS in October 2013


Seeing Tomorrow Today is the Key to Success! The African Youth Education Award Project is a youth developmental initiative designed to promote innovative and positive changes in the African communities in Germany. “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today” And if you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

Young immigrants of African origin in Germany have low educational level. A relatively large proportion of these kids rarely achieve the A level -/Abitur, besides a large proportion of them end up at junior secondary school or drop out completely. This is quite disturbing.

Another major problem is the lack of incentive to these kids. It must however be noted that motivation is crucial for success in the educational system, It has not been possible for the German school system to compensate for these deficiencies in school children of African descent.

Children from African homes have significantly little or no motivation to learn as compared to children of German origin. One of the reasons is the lack of role a models in the African communities. The consequences are, among others, the lack of integration and participation in society.

The aim of the project is to raise the educational and professional achievements of young African origin by empowerment approach. The awareness of students of African origin on the importance and significance of education for their social and professional integration in Germany.

In the nutshell the project is to motivate African kids in Germany to study and constantly bring them into contact with role models in the society.

Eligible for Awards:
Africans who have successfully completed a vocation -/ trade in Germany

All first year university students in Germany with African background

Students can still register at /AYE AWARDS.

The 2nd African Youth Education Award is taking place in Hamburg at the Albert-Schäfer-Saal, “IHK” Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg. The date is Saturday 19 of October 2013; the program begins at 18.00 – 22.00

Organizers are grateful to the following institutions and people for their relentless assistance:

Ghana Embassy Berlin, Nordkirche Weltwiet, Dr. Armah Biomedicals GmbH, UMT (Universal Money Transfer), ASA ROYAL Hotels, Balimaya Ton Hamburg, Ghana Consulate Hamburg, His Kingdom United & Imasi Chambers of Kiel.

Patrons to the project are Ghana’s Ambassador to Germany H.E. Mr. Paul King Aryene, Dr. Benjamin Armah, (Director of Dr. Armah Biomedicals), Gerald Asamoah (Footballer) and Otto Addo (HSV; Trainer), Dr. Hans-Joachim Tesmer & Honorary consul Dieter Härthe –Senegal, Honorary consul Stephan Bührich (Ghana).

The following dignities have been present to grace the occasion:

H.E Paul King Aryene, Ghana Ambassodor to Germany
Ambassador Patrick Okoye , Nigeria Embassy Germany
Ex. Senator Dietrich Wersich (CDU)
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Benjamin Armah (Patron)
Staatsrat (Deputy Minister)  Jan Pörksen, (SPD) Behörde für Arbeit, Soziales, Familie und Integration; (Ministry of Education Hamburg)
Jürgen Klimke, (CDU) Bundestag Abgeordnete Berlin -MP
Elombo Bolayela (SPD) Abgeordnete Bremen MP
Honarary consul Stephan Bührich (Ghana)
Honarary consul Dr. Jens Peter Breitengroß (Kenia) &
Vice President, IHK (Chambers of Commerce) Hamburg
Honorar y consul, Bettina Rhensius-Krohn (Mali)
Minister George De Souza, Ghana Embassy Berlin
Minister Sitwala Mapenzi, Namibia Embassy Berlin
Minister Connie R. Nuwagaba, Uganda Embassy Berlin
Minister Maloto Alidah Mpeta, Lesotho Embasssy Berlin
Huy-Tam Van, (CDU) Abgeordnete –Hamburg -MP
Linda Asamoah, wife of football star Gerald Asamoah
Dr. de Lorent Behörde für Bildung Hamburg – Director Ministry of Education Hamburg
Mrs Corinna Nienstedt “Handelskammer Hamburg” Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Desmond John Beddy (IT Specialist)

Mr. Iyare Allan Imasi (Lawyer)

Mrs. Fofana Ba Hawa (Systems Engineer)

Mr. Assignon Akakpo (Corporate Jurist)
